The better way

to buy real estate

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its versions have evolved over layout.

The better way

to buy real estate

Fill Out a FREE Tenant-Buyer Profile Today. Get alerts about open houses, be the first to know about properties we are offering as Rent to Own or for Sale with Owner Financing. There is NO credit check or background check needed at this stage!

Property Management

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Why Lease Purchase?

If you don't qualify for a "traditional bank loan" but want to own your own home or upgrade, we can help! You can have the exclusive right to purchase a great home while you work on any issues stopping you from getting a mortgage today.

Choose The Best Type Of Services

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Exterior Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipiscing elit sed orci dictum sagittis libero vitae auctor elit. Praesent accumsan mauris eget tortor auctor efficitur nunc iaculis nunc.

Outsite Decoration

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipiscing elit sed orci dictum sagittis libero vitae auctor elit. Praesent accumsan mauris eget tortor auctor efficitur nunc iaculis nunc.

Commercial Design

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You Have Options

Your Path to Homeownership Without Qualifying for a Traditional Bank Loan - Stated Income, Less Than Perfect Credit, OK!

Rent to Own

Lock up your home now, and avoid the landlord selling the home out from under you!

Owner Financing

Have 20% or more down? We sell some of our properties on Real Estate Contract.

Early Lease Termination

If you decide to buy another property instead of ours, use our in house Agent to purchase your home and exit your lease early!

We Are best and most trusted real estat agent

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its versions have evolved over layout.

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It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its versions have evolved over layout.

We Help People And

Homes Find Each Other

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Your Rent to Own Experts

It's no secret that banks aren't lending like they used to. If you're self-employed, have stated income, or less than perfect credit, then you know its nearly impossible to get a traditional home loan. That doesn't mean your dream of homeownership shouldn't become reality. If you want to buy a new home, but can't get a traditional mortgage, we can help! We don't require bank qualification!

  • Flexible terms, down payment and credit assistance options available.

  • Well-priced homes, below market value, available in your area. There's never been a better time to buy!

  • Size, price, location, and condition, we can help you find your next dream home.

  • Take the hassle of home searching, save time and save money.

  • Close quickly, move-in at your convenience.

We Help People And

Homes Find Each Other

If you want to do more than "just rent" but the lender says you are not ready to be pre-approved, Rent to Own may just be your answer!

We Work with All Property Types

These are just a few of the homes we have helped people move into:

Why Choose Us?

Search Property

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Professional Agents

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Buy Awsome Property

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Explore The Cities

What client say about us

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been he industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been he industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled.


Darcel Ballentine

Frequently Asked Question

What is Rent-to-Own?

There are several names for the same thing. Rent-to-Own, Lease-Purchase, and Lease-Option are some names used to describe a Lease with Option to Buy. Technically, 2 different agreements. The Option gives you the exclusive right to purchase the house for a certain price within a certain timeline, provided you meet the terms of the agreement. The lease gives you the right to live in the house while you get your finances in order to purchase the property with cash or a mortgage.

Why Rent-to-Own?

If you make a good living, but something is holding you back from getting approved from a mortgage, like a divorce, eviction, collection, low credit score from slow pays, or you have hard to prove income like most self employed people, a rent to own home may be the perfect choice. You are able to lock up a great house, while working on becoming lender approved.

How does the Down Payment work?

In a Rent-to-Own, the money paid upfront is actually Option Consideration. It is the price you pay for the exclusive option to buy the house. If you elect to not purchase the home as described in the Option Agreement, then you do not get a refund on the Option Consideration. However, when you do decide to purchase the house, your Option Consideration is applied to the purchase!

What is the Normal Option Consideration?

There is no Normal. However, our goal is to get around 10% down. Remember, we are working with Tenant Buyers that do not qualify for normal lending. Your Option Consideration ("down payment") is the primary factor determining if you should be put into one of our homes. Some Tenant Buyers are able to get into properties with as little as 5%, but it depends on the competition and how long the home has been on the market.

Any questions ? Reach us

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What's Stopping You?

We do not waste your money or time by pulling your credit or making you pay for an application fee like normal rentals. As long as you are in a good financial position, we can work with you. Your down payment and monthly budget are the biggest factors in getting you into a great rent to own property.

Rent to Own Homes in WA

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TEXT US (360) 743-3330

Lacey, WA 98503

©2024 – NW Rent2Own | All Right Reserved